MX Build’s Mission

To empower builders to build great things by helping them streamline and remove the administrative clutter through accessible technology.

MX Build’s Story

MX Build was born from the need for great financial management in construction that is accesible to all.

Our founder, Jammil Handal, experienced firsthand the frustrations of existing construction financial systems as the owner of a millwork company, a business he started in 2014 after years working in corporate finance in fortune 500 companies.

Collaboration between GCs and Subs was heavily reliant on manual spreadsheets and emails, which leaves ample room for errors and mismanagement. Too much detail and the consolidation process is overly cumbersome, not enough and you create a lack of needed insight. All of this creates an enviornment that is prone to misalignment and slow to process which often results in reactive decision making and likely most damagingly, delayed flow of cash across the supply chain.

Jammil’s passion for the construction industry, his experience in technology implementation and financial strategy were a key factor on MX Build’s concept. A simple, cloud-based based solution that focuses on facilitating the collaboration between general contractors and subcontractors to ensure real time accurate reporting that is not overly cumbersome. MX Build is designed to be a contractors’ one-stop shop for project financials, from budgeting to invoicing to payments.

Most people who enter the construction field go into it because they love construction not construction accounting, despite how fundamental accounting might be.

Our goal is to help builders focus on what they are great at: Building.